jueves, 16 de abril de 2015

목 마른


yes I am thirsty

당신은 인간은 내가 할 방법을 마실주는 기쁨을 이해하지 못하고 있습니다.

다음 고뇌를 dousing가 물 위로의 탱크에 내 다리를 넣어 아닌 이유는, 수분을 빨아.
나는 그것이 어려운 넣어, 나는 최대한 스트레칭해야하고 나를 위해 쉽지 않다 균형을하지만 나처럼 마시고, 당신에게 당신이 인간을보고 싶다.

때로는 바닥에 내 높이에 나를 넣어 물 컨테이너는 빈과의하지 알고, 이것은 내가 다시 내 리필하는 부품 및 경고를 사용하여 하나가 달려있다.

나는 그들이 그것을 호출 한 다음, 물을 마시는 내 능력의 친구들에게 자랑, 목적에 그 일을 에밀리, 그는 자신의 컴퓨터를 얻고 사진이나 비디오를 찍기를 좋아하는 것 같아요.
당신은 내가 혼자있을 때 내가 할 수있는 일을 아무 생각하고 아무도 내가 누군지 그녀의 사물을 스니핑, 모든 사이트로 이동 나를 볼 수 없습니다 모든 거의 땅에 던졌다 유용한가 발생하지 후 그녀와 함께 연주합니다. 터무니
이 있습니다 너무 나쁜 소음이 에밀리 그렇게 경고하고 때때로 온다 저를 실행하고, 꾸지람, 이는 내가 그를 화나게 경기를 보러 원하기 때문에 바보입니다.

어떻게이 사람들은가는거야?. 그들은 내가 아무 소리도하지 않고 심지어 내가 바보라고 생각하는 상관 없어 생각합니다.
그것은 에밀리 잎 것을 잘, 그의 가방, 어딘가에 저장 잠시 동안 사라 경우에만 표시 한을했다.
그 화가납니다 즉, 사라 않습니다. 일 자신의 몸과 그 요구를 말합니다 좀 더 일을 이상에 맞게, 터무니없는 옷을 넣습니다.

난 아무것도, 단지 음식을하지 않아도, 상자가 다른 내 요구에, 재생하고, 물.
내가 큰 핥는 매일 헤어 케어 덮여 내 몸에 넣어 아무것도 깨끗하고 광택이 없습니다.
그들은 힘들어, 약한,에 절대로 그런 일이 없습니다 톤, 그러나 증오가 전혀 나없이 사라, 쓸모없는 일을 많이해야합니다.

어디 갔었어요?. 그들은 암스테르담에 대해 이야기하고 내가 어디 모르거나 사람이 간다.

내 분노가 계속 표시, 내가 돌아 왔을 때 나는 훨씬 더 화가 나는 누락 허용보다 내가 더 많은 시간이 경우처럼 함께합니다.

내 자신

martes, 14 de abril de 2015


Vosotros humanos no podéis entender el placer que da beber de la forma en que yo lo hago.

Meto mi patita en el recipiente del agua que está ahí arriba, no se el motivo, y mojándola luego la chupo deleitándome con su humedad.
Me lo ponen difícil, tengo que estirarme al máximo y hacer equilibrios que no son fáciles para mi, pero me gustaría veros a vosotros, humanos, beber como yo lo hago.

A veces el recipiente del agua que me ponen a mi altura en el suelo, está vacío y no se enteran de ello, y este que está ahí arriba es el que uso de recambio y de aviso para que nuevamente vuelvan a llenar el mío.

Creo que Emiliano lo hace a propósito, le gusta sacar su maquina y tirar fotos o videos, lo llaman así, y luego presumir ante sus amigos de mis habilidades bebiendo agua.
No tiene idea de lo que yo soy capaz de hacer cuando estoy solo y nadie me ve, subo a todos lo sitios, husmeo en sus cosas que son absurdas todas y si raramente encuentro alguna de utilidad la arrojo al suelo y luego juego con ella.
Lástima del ruido que hace, es lo que alerta a Emiliano y a veces viene corriendo y me riñe, que estúpido resulta verle enfadado porque yo deseo jugar.

¿De que va esta gente?. Piensan que no me entero de nada y ni tan siquiera me importa que piensen que soy bobo.
Se perfectamente que Emiliano se marcha, ha hecho su maleta, esa que guarda en algún sitio y que solo saca cuando desaparece por un tiempo.
Me enfada que lo haga, eso, desaparecer. Mete cosas, prendas absurdas que se ponen encima de sus cuerpos y algunas cosas más que según dice necesita.

Yo no necesito nada, solo comida, una caja para jugar, otra para mis necesidades, y agua.
Nada pongo sobre mi cuerpo que cubierto de pelos cuido diariamente con grandes lengüetadas para tenerlo limpio y lustroso.
Ellos son débiles, quejicas, nunca están a tono, necesitan de infinidad de cosas inútiles, no obstante odio que desaparezcan sin contar conmigo para nada.

¿Donde irá?.  Hablan de Ámsterdam y yo no se donde o para que va allí.

Muestro mi enfado de continuo, y cuando vuelva estaré mucho mas enfadado con el como suelo hacer si falta mas tiempo del que yo le permito.

yo mismo


domingo, 12 de abril de 2015


 about me it said

It is said that cats do not have emotions, just feelings, and what is worse than we are selfish, thinking only of ourselves and even worst.

All this I think it is said by humans who do not like cats or simply have never had one near them.

They usually say, "I do not like cats" and have never had any at home. ¿ As you may know ? if you have not ever have a cat with you boy.

Cuca is an endearing human whom I love very much, before having me she was thinking something similar about us cats, she thought we seemed selfish and unsociable, now she has absolutely changed her mind when I had my nearby.

I feel she is so ill, poor, almost not moving and I feel great tenderness for her.
I do not quite understand what happens, I have always known clumsy walking, using a "walker" and I loved getting in front of she be barred step sneak underneath it and bars gadget, she stood, she said kind words to me away but never angry with me.

Emi had taught me to sneak under the bar of the walker, was his measure to see if his cat, me,  was agile and had not gained weight.
Now the "walker" is not, I think It was dropped to a place outside my house called "storage" but I have not been there. Too bad it must be full of things to play but I do not dare to go outside of my domain.

Now Cuca hardly moves, always sitting and takes a few days nor listening, complains moving hands with difficulty, and is half asleep.

Happens I wonder, say they have a disease called "multiple sclerosis" and must be very bad because every time it shows a little worse.
Not to do so she improves, or smile, I would rise above it but I see insecure and almost no she dares to touch me.

Emi touches me, give me massages, he cover my head with his hand, I kneaded says Cuca, and my everything he does really like it.
It's very safe when handle me, I do not care that boosts me I carry from one place to another or even put the very strong music and dance with me.

Today came a pretty girl named Leticia, is a doctor who gives massages to Cuca. She lifts his legs, the moves, she moves her arms, makes you sit up, but Cuca can not. You get tired, but thanks very much all the attention she lavishes the doctor.

They say it's physiotherapist although I was not that word means.
This is the first time I hear that expression, although assimilate the word exercises, movements of the legs, arms, and needs attention for an hour.
Leticia is nice, tolerate even I let her caress me. She is a good person who likes cats.

I'm tired of telling you things about my life as a cat, another day I could tell you more.



yes, I am

They say I'm a cat, and I know, I'm a cat but how are cats ?, what look like? I wonder.
I've never seen another cat, I do not leave my house, I know there are cats outside because sometimes the smell comes to me but interest in knowing I have very little.
Attraction for them feel that I have not any and you should feel at least for females, but not, something it was done to me when I was little that has deprived me of the need to attract female cats and these they like me.

As I listened to Cuca or Emi I am "castrated" and I say, what for and why ?, are cruel humans?, do not take into account other living beings have opinions, feelings, suffering, and deserve respect Like them, humans, ask for himself.

I do not ever have offspring as I am without attributes to associate with a cat and her pregnant.
Honestly gives me the same, what ?, poor kittens. Unless you find something like this house what future awaited them, death or suffering and finally death as well.

I have not forgotten that when I was born I was left and spent some time alone and stop feeding. They took me to a huge space called "Casa de Campo" where others unhappy as I spent the day crying, mayando, say the masters bigs. And I was crying, hunger, cold, and not knowing what would become of me.
Finally I decided to climb to escape the big bugs that damage could be me.
Yes, now I remember big, aggressive cats, which had made ​​me picadillo, sorry that´s Spanish, my Language, they could kill me slightest and eated me afterward.
Crying, mayando, without forces and by cold and hunger a human climbed the tree and grabbed me. I got carried away, then I walked into a warm room and deposited me in a great big box.
I ate, I felt hot, and a great relief flooded my small body.

Some time had passed when I again grabbed that big man, and I got into another box with white fluff. 
Just moved everything around me, if I felt I moved and did not know why.
Finally I found here, which would be my house forever.
I was taken by Emi in his hands, caressed me, and I were inseparable Friends for ever and ever.

He's like my mother and my father, for I do not remember them, gives me food, water, warm, I comb, play with me, scolds changes the land of my box, and scolds me.

Especially scolded me at first, until I learned what a non likes me to do.
They say I have kept, possibly five. I arrived here when I was two months old only, but I remember everything that happened before bringing me here, my site. Where I'm so comfortable with everything around me.

You know something about me, to you who like both know who is who, where he was born and all that.

In short, I am a cat born in Madrid, I have five years, my house is this from where I write, my friends and by all are Cuca and Emi, who  I want more than anything.

That's all for today.
