They say I'm a cat, and I know, I'm a cat but how are cats ?, what look like? I wonder.
I've never seen another cat, I do not leave my house, I know there are cats outside because sometimes the smell comes to me but interest in knowing I have very little.
Attraction for them feel that I have not any and you should feel at least for females, but not, something it was done to me when I was little that has deprived me of the need to attract female cats and these they like me.
As I listened to Cuca or Emi I am "castrated" and I say, what for and why ?, are cruel humans?, do not take into account other living beings have opinions, feelings, suffering, and deserve respect Like them, humans, ask for himself.
I do not ever have offspring as I am without attributes to associate with a cat and her pregnant.
Honestly gives me the same, what ?, poor kittens. Unless you find something like this house what future awaited them, death or suffering and finally death as well.

I have not forgotten that when I was born I was left and spent some time alone and stop feeding. They took me to a huge space called "Casa de Campo" where others unhappy as I spent the day crying, mayando, say the masters bigs. And I was crying, hunger, cold, and not knowing what would become of me.
Finally I decided to climb to escape the big bugs that damage could be me.
Yes, now I remember big, aggressive cats, which had made me picadillo, sorry that´s Spanish, my Language, they could kill me slightest and eated me afterward.
Crying, mayando, without forces and by cold and hunger a human climbed the tree and grabbed me. I got carried away, then I walked into a warm room and deposited me in a great big box.
I ate, I felt hot, and a great relief flooded my small body.
Some time had passed when I again grabbed that big man, and I got into another box with white fluff.
Just moved everything around me, if I felt I moved and did not know why.
Finally I found here, which would be my house forever.
I was taken by Emi in his hands, caressed me, and I were inseparable Friends for ever and ever.
He's like my mother and my father, for I do not remember them, gives me food, water, warm, I comb, play with me, scolds changes the land of my box, and scolds me.
Especially scolded me at first, until I learned what a non likes me to do.
They say I have kept, possibly five. I arrived here when I was two months old only, but I remember everything that happened before bringing me here, my site. Where I'm so comfortable with everything around me.
You know something about me, to you who like both know who is who, where he was born and all that.
In short, I am a cat born in Madrid, I have five years, my house is this from where I write, my friends and by all are Cuca and Emi, who I want more than anything.
That's all for today.