jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015


Without you one more day
endure hell every morning
in my eternal and loneliness.

I thought you'd be with me always
And you go, you're gone and
Saying goodbye you left me
not a word more

Today I woke up without you
where you are
This world was not for you
so young you left
not knowing that I do not live any more

Your absence can not face
wherever you are
soon be
again traveling together
another new path for

Hand in hand forever
happy to be together again
to run a life, another life and endless
that is my hope that leads me
to spend the rest of my life without you

You never look at me, don´t you love me more?
you are never willing to talk
what do you think about?
whom are you thinking all time
that you are so still
Long time waiting
such a bliss
and so fleeting was that I
it did not good to be true
faithful to whom, an idea
I never thought that the illusion
was so short, that without your
as soon awaken love would be
a daily pain instead of love 

Living without you it is an impossible
I never thought I could bear


Meet cruel fate
continuous suffering lover without love
always the loved seeing at his side
without daring to say “I love you, my love”

You are accomanied, but do you feel happy?
my question is always on the verge of release
and I dare another day
to confess you my lit expected.

What do you feel when without me you are?
Perhaps you perceive that I am not
Or are you still absoved in your living?

LIKE I loved you no one will love
When you wake up you´ll don´t find me
I´ll be missing from you.

My lonly heart you´ll never feel again
Unrequite lover not one day more
without your love iI will live my love.

Your time will be pass

No love like mine would you ever find
never so beloved your life would be.

My absence in hearbreak.

Soon after you´ll suffer
and my today´s pain I´ll not desire
you my dear heart broken heart.


el gatufo

lunes, 17 de agosto de 2015


Now I am thinking in English, so you may see Gatufo is cool, not like other who goes out and don´t speak English the right way, poor Spanish people how badly speaks or write English.

There Í go:

 He is not always listen to me or have a clear mind to understand what I say.

Among us humans are like assholes, always distracted without living the present or understand anything around them.

So I AM GOING TO ASK EMI FOR TEACHING ME HOW TO TYPE IN THIS COMPUTER, it has to be easy, Cats are more clever than humans, so next time I'll type on the machine, so I do not need to do emi it fo me.

It's better, you readers of this blog and me GATUFO, the real cool one when i like to say you all something.

Sure you prefer cool gatufo emi without speaking any more, When the Cat I have to say something.


Another time .... Right? OK

Gatufo is cool, say nice words amusing.
Emiliano is bored, I writes extrange words acerca war, religion, customs, history, politicians, money and so on. When I writes About these boring subjects I could not understand anything.
So it is better to me, Gatufo the cool, That if I have something to say
Directly just to type it in the machine.
Be Informed about it, right? miauuu ..... next time I'll do that.Okay, emi, do not get well. Think and talk to other "your blog" tell you what I think of my tribe.

No, You have to teach me how to type and I'll type it directamente al blog's friends, right?. Good, thanks a lot dear emi.
Next time I´ll type here in this machine so odd, it has to be easy for a cat, usually cats are more smart than humans.
Yo mismo


A mucha gente le he escuchado decir que los gastos son diferentes, que son egoístas, que no acuden cuando se les llama, que van a los suyo, son independientes, incapaces de mostrar amor o respeto o simplemente que son seres extraños con los que no se desea tener ninguna clase de relación.

A mi siempre me gustaron.
No podría decir el motivo pero siempre pensé que sentía una profunda admiración por estos animales, bellos, ágiles, tranquilos o rápidos como el rayo siempre que lo desean.
Me fascinaban y siempre he deseado tener uno o dos en casa.
Durante tiempo no pudo ser, había niñas y no parecía ser compatible la idea
de gastos con niñas pequeñas.

Hoy por al fin tengo un GATO, se llama Gatufo y es el ser mas tierno, amable,
cariñoso, tranquilo, comprensivo que nadie puede imaginar.
Es un amigo.
Y alguna persona que no tenía demasiado buen concepto de estos fascinantes
seres ha cambiado absolutamente de opinión.

A veces me cambiaria por Gatufo.
No tiene ideas sobre la economía, la enfermedad, disimula sus males, no los
cuenta, ni tan siquiera te apercibes cuando puede estar mal, y siempre
está dispuesto a jugar, a pasarlo lo mejor posible.
No piensa en que será de mi mañana, tendré comida, donde dormir, viviré,
seguiré teniendo un lugar donde estar, etc.
Yo diría que es feliz, y si, pienso que no sería tan mala idea que
intercambiáramos los roles de vez en cuando.

Yo ahora mismo estaria durmiendo sobre las piernas de Gatufo, y el
estaría escribiendo en el Blog....fascinante

Yo mismo


Soy un gato, me llaman Gatufo y no se el motivo. Nosotros no ponemos nombres a nada pues cada cosa tiene su esencia única e irrepetible.
No soy un gato común, puedo contaros cosas e incluso recordar mi vida y es justo lo que voy hacer ahora y aunque no sea yo exactamente quien lo hace, es emiliano, para el caso es lo mísmo pues voy poniendo en su coco lo que deseo decir.
Nací en Madrid, hacia el mes de Diciembre de 2010, pero no lo tengo claro pues casi no recuerdo nada de ese momento. Era muy pequeño y no habían pasado dos meses cuando fui abandonado en un espacio muy grande lleno de árboles que se llama “Casa de Campo”, había miles de gatos y perros abandonados, de todas la edades y tamaños, muchos de ellos estaban enfermos y muy tristes pues no entendían por qué les habían llevado a ese lugar y ya nunca veían a sus seres queridos.Se morían muchos, de hambre, de frio y de tristeza.
Yo casi me muero también, era muy chiquitín y tenía mucho miedo de toda aquella informe manada de desventurados. Luego me enteré de que estábamos en plena “crisis” que no se muy bien lo que es aunque si se las consecuencias que tiene esa cosa.
Una de las consecuencias es que los gatos, perros y otras especies salen de las casas de los humanos porque estos no pueden, o no tienen humor, para mantenerlos.
Como decía casi me muero, de hambre y sobre todo de frio.
Tiritaba, aún encogido no encontraba forma de entrar en calor, así que me subí a un árbol y empecé a maullar, lo mas fuerte que podía aunque me di cuenta que enseguida me iban a faltar las fuerzas para seguir haciéndolo mucho rato.
No hizo falta, pasó por allí un humano y sobresaltado por mi maullidos miró hacia lo alto y me vio encaramado a una rama.
Menos mal que no era muy alta, mis fuerzas no daban para más, así que con facilidad me agarró, me acarició y sentí mucho calor.
Enseguida me encontré en otro lugar cerrado y cálido, dentro de un recinto mas pequeño todavía que llaman caja. Había un tejido suave, agradable que me daba calor, y así pude descansar y comer durante no se cuanto. Los gatos no tenemos tiempo, eso no existe para nosotros. Nunca tenemos prisa para nada, procuramos dormir y comer siempre que nos apetece y si estamos despiertos disfrutar, cazar y jugar. Siempre estamos dispuestos a pasarlo bien y aun teniendo memoria vivimos el momento presente de forma intensa.
No se como pero tenía algo muy rico para comer y también agua para beber, que bien se estaba allí. Me sentía feliz, un sitio cálido y afecto a mi alrededor.
Por poco rato, no habían pasado dos días y volví a sentirme cogido, movido y trasladado a otro sitio nuevo que me pareció mas agradable todavía.
No había tanto ruido, los dos humanos que me habían llevado allí tardaron poco en marcharse y me quedé solo, ningún otro gato o perro cercano, pero con dos humanos con un olor sumamente agradable que me tranquilizó al momento.
Como es lógico enseguida empecé a recorrer el nuevo sitio que iba a ser mi hogar, si ahora si, ya no iba a ser trasladado o abandonado nunca más.
Los nuevos bichos gran-dotes, humanos, me demostraban mucho cariño y atención, me cogían, me dedicaban sonidos que no entendía, y me pusieron nuevamente una comida muy rica y toda el agua que quería.
Acabé subido en un sitio grande, mullido, muy parecido en el olor y tacto a lo que había en la caja. No tuve ningún reparo en mear allí, cosa que luego comprobé al humano que llaman emiliano no le gustó nada. Me riñó y yo no sabía el motivo.
Me llevó a otra caja llena de arena y me indicó que ese era el sitio para mear y otras funciones. Genial así podía esconder todos mis restos y no dejar pistas u olores a ningún otro bicho que apareciera por allí. 
Al otro humano le llaman cuca, tampoco se el motivo, y es igualmente de afectivo y cariñoso conmigo. Aunque cuca no me pone comida, ni se agacha a cogerme, y de momento me acaricia poco. Se le nota que no tiene costumbre de tratar con gatos, pero ya ira cambiando.
Con cuca ocurre algo diferente a con emiliano, da la sensación de que ella no está bien del todo, es lenta muy lenta, se pasa mucho rato sentada y es el quien al igual que hace conmigo la cuida, le trae comida y le presta ayuda cuando cuca no puede levantarse por si sola. Dicen cosas que yo de momento no acabo de entender, pero es cuestión de tiempo y paciencia con ellos.
Son unos bichos grandes y algo mas raros que algunos otros que aparecen, nadie sabe de donde, de repente en el lugar que llaman casa.

Hago memoria y recuerdo bien mi primer día con cuca y emiliano, fue feliz, el comienzo de una buena amistad que de momento dura.
Ya seguiré mas adelante, pues me fijo en todo, escucho todo lo que dicen y me voy enterando de muchísimas cosas de las que suceden a mi alrededor.

el Gatufo.


Being a cat as I am it is easy in this world, more even a cat who lives in a family of only two people. They, the humans,  have not any living creature to care about, not any children.....that´s very good to me....I don´t like children, they use to pull my tail, they cry too much and run after  me wanting to hit or to fu... me, sorry it is not a good word to use here. In Spanish it is a common word but in English it sounds very bad, sorry again.

Well, I do not like children, by my few experience with them, and in this my house there are not children. There are outside, in other houses close to this, same building because I could listen to their shouts every day, twice or even five or six times, it depends of the day.

But that is not the worst, the women, the mother and father of the children are all day shouting to them, don´t do this, don´t do that, go to the bath, clean your teeth, go to bed, I am fed up of you all, and so a day and another.
It is so tired, always listening to these adults shouting to their children till the point they shout even more than the children., it seem imposible but it is true.
Cuca and emiliano talk about this question frequently, because even them with their lack of good hearing could listen to these shouts every day.
I has not any sense similar to humans, I am better tan them, it is so easy for me read inside their minds, I know what emiliano or Cuca wants of me, be quiet, take it easy, don´t run or jump so many times, and if emiliano say to me don´t do this or that, I can remember it perfectly well, once I listen to him coming I jump on the floor immediately so he can´t not see me if I have jumped on a site he doesn´t like to see me.
I am always faster than him, I listen to him always as he is coming and I am so quiet and looks so good cat that he is always happy with me.
If he could see me doing in fact what I like to do when he is not at sight?.

Living here it is easy, when I want I jump over the lap of emiliano and he always cared me, told me soft words, and never shout to me. Nice situation to me just doing what I want always.

Cuca is even better that him, never she has told me anything disagreeable, she is sweet, calm, and walk so slowly that I like to be on the floor infront of her when she is walking to the bath. She always walks so slowly that I don´t know what is happening with her legs.

She needs something to be supported and walk, a walker they say, I don´t know what is that, but it seems it cost a lot for her to go from a site to other site in the house. Usually she moves too little because they say she is sick?, I don´t know what is to be sick.

What I see is that emiliano has to help her quite often, to get off the couch and sometimes he can´t to the first time, but other time yes, she can pull up heself and be up on her two legs.
Once she is up I like to be on the site she was before, and remain there till the moment she return again, and stay on as much as possible, and just in the last momento I jump out of the place before she take hare sit againg. It is so funny, but it seems emiliano didn´t like it so much like me or her.  

Why they have only two legs, and so long, it is not useful for nothing. I prefer my four legs that gives me just a lot of  great agility and speed. I can go and come three or four times while emiliano moves one, or Cuca begins to push up from her chair. Why is she so slow?. I can´t understand, but she is really nice and beautiful and I love her very much.

Last year emiliano was sick too, he didn´t take me on his lap, didn´t speak anything, he was all time like sleeping, and he was really too sad.
I didn´t know what was happening about him, it seems he was going next to die and his mind was like outside everything. 

Some times it was difficult to me just knowing what he was thinking about. It was difficult to be inside his mind. He was like another person and I was really very sad. Not cares, not any attention to me, not any nice words.....so bad time for poor emiliano and poor Gatufo too.

Cuca was also very sad looking at him that way, and I could do nothing, when I jump on his lap he retired again on top of him and put me on the floor or on the couch once and again.

What was happening? I didn´t know but everything was sad and worst than now or before last year.
It was a very bad year indeed. I have my meals, my wáter, no body said nothing bad to me, but I was really sad and worried with these humans of my family.

Just today everything it is different, again emiliano is playing with me, he pulls himself on the floor to play, gives me good toys and said to me soft words and call me nice names like, little, beautiful cat, my Gatufo, and so forth. Frequently he said, come with dady....dady? What is that if here there are not children.

Once again I can jump on him every moment I want to and he cared me softly along my body with his hands. That gives me great pleasure as emiliano is the one to me. Why? I don´t know but he is the one.

Again he looks happy and Cuca is happy looking at him.....me too seeing them that way.

Even now I could sleep on their bed every night and emiliano said nothing, some times he took me from the floor ant carry me till the bed. Just incredible to me, it is so good to be as we were before that last year.

That is all for today people of ESL, another moment I´ll be here again if you want to.

el gatufo.


Frequently I think the cat is inside my mind or Emiliano is inside the cat´s mind. Why?. It is just like Gatufo could understand my inner thoughts either my feelings, if I am sad, happy or worried. Some how as gatufo has a radar who read all what happens round him.
I would say like he is my soul matter now as I look through things with his inteligent eyes.
Life is so simple for him, that makes me think how we like to complicate our own lifes.
Money means nothing for a cat, ambition, power, jealous, mean nothing for a cat. Have lot of things means nothing for a cat. Even tomorrow´s life means nothing for a cat.
Gatufo lives his moment, just now lives this second on my lap, nothing cares him only to be close near Emiliano. That´s all.
We think humans are intelligent souls?
Let me doubt about that.
I think we are not, we are the worst creature under the sky, the creature that suffers more, that makes more devil things on the globe.
Look round you, what is happening just now?, what have happened years before. What have happened along thousand of years?....the most inteligent creatures of the world?
Sorry, I don´t think so. Never I have think so, and now looking my cat even less. 
Enjoy like him does.
