Being a cat as I am it is easy in this world, more even a cat who lives in a family of only two people. They, the humans, have not any living creature to care about, not any children.....that´s very good to me....I don´t like children, they use to pull my tail, they cry too much and run after me wanting to hit or to fu... me, sorry it is not a good word to use here. In Spanish it is a common word but in English it sounds very bad, sorry again.
Well, I do not like children, by my few experience with them, and in this my house there are not children. There are outside, in other houses close to this, same building because I could listen to their shouts every day, twice or even five or six times, it depends of the day.
But that is not the worst, the women, the mother and father of the children are all day shouting to them, don´t do this, don´t do that, go to the bath, clean your teeth, go to bed, I am fed up of you all, and so a day and another.
It is so tired, always listening to these adults shouting to their children till the point they shout even more than the children., it seem imposible but it is true.
Cuca and emiliano talk about this question frequently, because even them with their lack of good hearing could listen to these shouts every day.
I has not any sense similar to humans, I am better tan them, it is so easy for me read inside their minds, I know what emiliano or Cuca wants of me, be quiet, take it easy, don´t run or jump so many times, and if emiliano say to me don´t do this or that, I can remember it perfectly well, once I listen to him coming I jump on the floor immediately so he can´t not see me if I have jumped on a site he doesn´t like to see me.
I am always faster than him, I listen to him always as he is coming and I am so quiet and looks so good cat that he is always happy with me.
If he could see me doing in fact what I like to do when he is not at sight?.
Living here it is easy, when I want I jump over the lap of emiliano and he always cared me, told me soft words, and never shout to me. Nice situation to me just doing what I want always.
Cuca is even better that him, never she has told me anything disagreeable, she is sweet, calm, and walk so slowly that I like to be on the floor infront of her when she is walking to the bath. She always walks so slowly that I don´t know what is happening with her legs.
She needs something to be supported and walk, a walker they say, I don´t know what is that, but it seems it cost a lot for her to go from a site to other site in the house. Usually she moves too little because they say she is sick?, I don´t know what is to be sick.
What I see is that emiliano has to help her quite often, to get off the couch and sometimes he can´t to the first time, but other time yes, she can pull up heself and be up on her two legs.
Once she is up I like to be on the site she was before, and remain there till the moment she return again, and stay on as much as possible, and just in the last momento I jump out of the place before she take hare sit againg. It is so funny, but it seems emiliano didn´t like it so much like me or her.
Why they have only two legs, and so long, it is not useful for nothing. I prefer my four legs that gives me just a lot of great agility and speed. I can go and come three or four times while emiliano moves one, or Cuca begins to push up from her chair. Why is she so slow?. I can´t understand, but she is really nice and beautiful and I love her very much.
Last year emiliano was sick too, he didn´t take me on his lap, didn´t speak anything, he was all time like sleeping, and he was really too sad.
I didn´t know what was happening about him, it seems he was going next to die and his mind was like outside everything.
Some times it was difficult to me just knowing what he was thinking about. It was difficult to be inside his mind. He was like another person and I was really very sad. Not cares, not any attention to me, not any nice bad time for poor emiliano and poor Gatufo too.
Cuca was also very sad looking at him that way, and I could do nothing, when I jump on his lap he retired again on top of him and put me on the floor or on the couch once and again.
What was happening? I didn´t know but everything was sad and worst than now or before last year.
It was a very bad year indeed. I have my meals, my wáter, no body said nothing bad to me, but I was really sad and worried with these humans of my family.
Just today everything it is different, again emiliano is playing with me, he pulls himself on the floor to play, gives me good toys and said to me soft words and call me nice names like, little, beautiful cat, my Gatufo, and so forth. Frequently he said, come with dady....dady? What is that if here there are not children.
Once again I can jump on him every moment I want to and he cared me softly along my body with his hands. That gives me great pleasure as emiliano is the one to me. Why? I don´t know but he is the one.
Again he looks happy and Cuca is happy looking at too seeing them that way.
Even now I could sleep on their bed every night and emiliano said nothing, some times he took me from the floor ant carry me till the bed. Just incredible to me, it is so good to be as we were before that last year.
That is all for today people of ESL, another moment I´ll be here again if you want to.
el gatufo.
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